AFA's Home & Recharging With Deep Earth Minerals
Saluz’s AFA is a miracle combination of evolutionary events and geographic fortune. Estimates of original blooms of AFA in the region of Upper Klamath Lake are dated to when the last ice age receded around 25,000 years ago, revealing a chain of shallow lakes in what is now called Klamath Valley.
However, the greatest volcanic event in the geologic history of North America happened around 8,000 years ago in the Cascade Mountain Range, when the massive eruption on nearby Mount Mazama shook the region.
Upon the peak of what was once Mount Mazama, one of the world's deepest lakes was formed. That lake is called Crater Lake, a protected and registered National Park. In the wake of the eruption mineral rich ash, that was spread across much of the Pacific Northwest, settled into the lakes and valley below. Today, on the Klamath Lake bed, the mineral silt is still up to 90 feet deep.
Today, on the Klamath Lake bed, the mineral silt is still up to 90 feet deep. In a stroke of luck, or fate, this geologic event ignited the existing AFA with over 70 minerals from deep within the Earth. Combined with a continuous flow of pristine mineral rich spring water from Crater Lake and the surrounding watershed, AFA found a home in this unique nutrient trap alkaline lake.
In a stroke of luck, or fate, this geologic supercharges AFA with 70+ minerals from deep within the Earth. Combined with a continuous flow of pristine mineral rich spring water from Crater Lake and the surrounding watershed, AFA found a home in this shallow, sun drenched, alkaline lake.
Each winter AFA cells hibernate on the cold fresh water mineral sediment lake bed until rising again with the spring sun and warming water. Connecting with the energy of the sun, the strongest AFA cells awaken and the process of life begins again just as it has for billions of years. Adapting surviving and thriving.>br>
To survive these winters AFA adapted by creating an abundance of Omega 3 essential fatty acids now well understood as crucial nutrients for optimal health brain functioning and childhood brain development. AFA is a premium and sustainable plant based source of Omega 3's DHA and EPA
The minerals our bodies need in bulk like Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium are abundant in AFA due to the mineral silt on the lake bed, as well as crucial trace minerals like Iron, Manganese, Copper, Iodine, Zinc, Cobalt, Fluoride and Selenium. While many of us are aware of important minerals like Iron for liver, brain and blood cells health, lesser known minerals like Boron are now considered essential minerals, too. Working with Calcium, Boron substantially increases brain function and cognitive performance. Another testament to the potential power for health AFA refined in it’s journey.
Perhaps this is the most crucial aspect of this algae’s wild-nature, clearly distinguishing it from any other green superfood: that it’s growing environment is this unspoiled mineral rich environment. Each winter it hibernates in the frozen lake bed, saturating in minerals, until one day rising again with the spring sun and warming water, when the strongest AFA cells awaken and the process begins again–supercharged with life!
The Harvesting Process
While beautiful and enticing, It is not recommended to walk up to an algae bloom, scoop up a handful, dry it and eat it. Remember, there are thousands of blue green algae species. Remember, there are thousands of species of blue-green algae, some toxic and some not, that are visually similar. The process and knowledge behind harvesting and utilizing an algae correctly, is immensely meticulous.
While AFA may be present in the other lakes, Upper Klamath is the only place in the world that provides a stable climate, pristine clean conditions, a constant flow of mineral rich water and a unique shallow alkaline lake that forms a nutrient trap producing AFA that is safe for consumption..
These factors make the unique story of AFA on Klamath even more rare. It is a premium and wild harvetsed, 100% organic green superfood without rival for nutrient content and bioavailablity.
Technically harvestable year round, the season most suitable for harvest that will be consumed is in the Fall. During this time of the year sunshine, cool air temperature and water temperature in the lake provide AFA the optimum conditions to bloom in clean, abundant quantities free of other species of algae.
The process requires almost obsessive monitoring of lake conditions, testing and retesting water and algae samples, for the optimal conditions. A perfect harvestable bloom requires days with no wind and constant sunshine. Once these conditions align, samples are taken and sent to the lab for tests. If results confirm pure AFA, a boat is sent to collect the bloom with a soft cloth belt that scoops up the algae.
After collection, the AFA is rinsed for purification, then flash dried at a little above body temperature to protect the integrity of all the nutrients and live enzymes. When dried, it is sent for further testing to independently certified FDA labs– ensuring the safety and quality.
AFA is not grown in plastic lined ponds. It is carefully pulled from the surface of one of the cleanest lakes in the United States of America, rigorously tested to ensure safety and quality, and then dried.
This meticulous process is done with pride, delivering premium natural algae – most likely making AFA from Saluz the only food you can eat that is harvested so purely, and untampered by the hand of a woman or man in it’s final state.
Breaking it Down
AFA is a complex organism. To understand it, we need to take a closer look inside the workings of functional health and the miracle of life. Synergy, the cooperation of two or more individuals substances that create a combined effect greater than their separate effects, is a word that encompasses the essence of AFA.
Countless authors, scientists, doctors and experts who dedicate years to the study of nutrition and cellular regeneration regard AFA as the most complete, potent, balanced, easily absorbed superfood on the planet– marveling at its perfection as a factory of nutrients. It is also considered among the most self-sufficient organisms on earth.
The secret is in the cell wall. Soft and easily absorbed by humans, it accumulates the nutrients and protective enzymes received by energy from the sun.
As the organism grows, the cell
membrane “continues to increase in size and store more proteins, essential fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins and chlorophyll,” says Karl Abrams in his comprehensive book
Algae to the Rescue.
Amino Acids in AFA Drive Health Cognitive Function
Amino acids are responsible for extensive roles in our body, specifically neurological function. Multiple chemical processes are optimized in the body when it is fueled with proper amounts of amino acids, such as the boosting of cognitive function and enhancement of neurological function and protection.
AFA contains all 20 amino acids that are essential for the body and mind, in fact they’re even delivered in the exact proportions for optimum performance. This is a rooted connection to our biological origins, and our seed of life being woven into the story of AFA itself.
By ingesting wild-harvested AFA we are reconnecting with our deepest capabilities for adaptation.
When we consume AFA, we are opening the doors to fortified, thorough, and invigorating health. We are not simply a food, we are welcoming the product of billions of years of nutritional protection and refinement, and closing the doors on malnourishment, micronutrient deficiencies and the physical, mental, and behavioral disorders that can accompany them.
The Original Protein
The dry weight of AFA consists of 65% to 70% protein, 4% RNA, and 3% Chlorophyll. Gram for gram no other food on earth has such an abundance of proteins in a form that is as easily absorbed.
Most food and whole nutrients supplements like grains, seeds, and even other green goods foods like chlorella have compositions that require high levels of energy to facilitate nutrient absorption.
AFA on the other hand has a soft, easily metabolized cell wall, providing a straight line into the body for access to the over 100 nutrients inside. This is the foundation of AFA’s super powers.
AFA contains the neurological boosting essential amino acid Phenylethylamine PEA, among a host of other neuro enhancers. It crosses the brain-blood barrier faster than any other amino acid and is linked to mood-elevating neuropeptides including dopamine and adrenaline. It is a proven natural antidepressant with zero side effects.
Phenylalanine + L- Tyrosine + Phenylethylamine (PEA) aka. Love Molecule
Enzymes: The Shakers & Movers
Enzymes are the accelerators that unlock biological processes, by working with vitamins and minerals to create functional harmony in the body. Without them there is no cellular life. Once a mineral activates an enzyme, it becomes an agent for change.
There are thousands of biological functions that require enzymes to get moving. The importance of eating whole, fresh, nutritionally dense food with live enzymes cannot be underestimated.
Yet, having them in your daily diet requires an awareness and availability that can be a problem for many. For one, the cost of fresh organic food is high. Secondly, the chemical process of modern food production removes enzymes from most food.
Many of us are eating dead food with little or no active enzymes. When eating processed food, grown in depleted soils and lacking enzymes, our bodies struggle to digest and absorb what little nutrients are available, causing enzyme deficiency.
Symptoms of enzyme deficiency may include lack of muscle coordination, brain degeneration, learning problems, loss of muscle tone, and an enlarged liver and spleen.
Loaded with live enzymes, AFA is ready to unlock and speed up the chemical process of delivering complex nutrients into your body. For example, one of the heavy hitters in AFA is the antioxidant enzyme Superoxide Dismutase (SOD). Well known for longevity, SOD is a proponent of disease prevention and immunity support. It protects your DNA from free radicals that are widely understood to be the underlying cause of many diseases.
Along with the minerals copper, zinc and manganese, AFA supports powerful healing forces for cell membranes, tissue fluidity and stem cell regeneration.
Natural vs. Synthetic
Traditionally, the supplement industry is known for hopping on trends, packing pills with low amounts of actual vitamins/minerals, high amounts of fillers and sending them to market. The catch is that these predominantly synthetic supplements are hardly ever absorbed/utilized by the body.
When vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients aren’t provided with cofactor substances that complete their absorption, they end up not being metabolized. Meaning an expensive bottle of immune-supporting, energy boosting supplements can actually just end up being a waste of money.
For life essential nutrients to work together all of the elements need to come together, as nature intended–not manufactured in a lab and stuffed into a pill. Recent studies show that an alarming number of synthetic multivitamins today simply don’t work, and in some cases cause more harm than good.
AFA from Saluz is the premier whole food in natural healing because it was designed by the most elite chemist in the world: nature. Through billions of years of adaptation this blue-green algae developed an unrivaled nutritional compound that pairs fundamental minerals, vitamins, enzymes, and acids with their required chemical partner, providing an unmatched 97% bioavailability for our bodies.
Wild harvested AFA is Earth's original, complete protein. Including perfectly balanced, pure micronutrients in your diet is superior to any synthetic supplement available. Delivering this uncultivated, potent and pure green food to your body is reconnecting you to the essential life energy of our very existence.
AFA & Essential Fatty Acids

Essential fatty acids (EFAs) maintain the flexibility and fluidity of our cells and specifically the cell membrane. When our cell membranes are fluid and flexible all the body's systems can work in a well lubricated manner. For example, when your brain cells are fluid and flexible your brain also works better. This applies to heart, skin, bone, and organ health as well! In particular long-chain omega-3 fatty acids EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) have been studied extensively and are vitally linked to peak health.
Deficiencies in Omega-3’s are linked to many diseases and conditions including but not limited to brain development issues in children, ADHD, behavioral and neurological disorders, breast cancer, depression, mood disorders, various inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, cognitive impairment, fatigue, poor memory, dry skin, heart problems, mood swings, depression, poor circulation and insomnia.
Traditionally the best source of complete Omega-3’s are cold water fish like mackerel or salmon, algae, sea plants and select legumes. The fish get the Omega oils from eating algae.
While Omega-3 oils sourced from fish may have positive health impacts, they have negative impact on environmental health due to the extreme overfishing and exploitation of fisheries worldwide.
Sourcing you and your families Omega 3's from algae is the purest, most absorbable and sustainable choice possible.
Bursting with Vitamins

Vitamins play a decisive role in body functions related to cell growth, cell reproduction and the processing of energy. Deficiencies in essential vitamins trigger biological reactions that often result in low energy fatigue, depression, anemia, lowered immunity, and irritability.
AFA has 12 vitamins and each one plays a decisive role in supporting our bodies’ cellular health, energy, digestion, nerve functioning hormones, cholesterol and increasing testosterone in men and women.
Containing the complete B Vitamin complex, AFA is an exceptional plant based source of B Vitamins. Vitamin C, another influential vitamin, is required daily as an immunity booster responsible for activating white blood cells that defend the body against disease and infection. AFA contains about 5x the amount of Vitamin C as other green superfoods.
Nature's Sunscreen
Algae is an organism of the sun. Wherever there is sun and water there is algae. Over the billions of years of exposure and adaptation to UV rays, AFA generated a protective shield from the harmful effects of UVA and UVB radiation.
Recent technological findings have uncovered new and exciting amino acids present in AFA, Mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs). They are water-soluble molecules that absorb UV-A and UV-B radiation and disperse the energy as heat. They are present in organisms that live in high-sunlight exposure, as an adaptation to intense sunlight acting as a sun screen protector. Their ability to block out harmful UV radiation is a benefit of AFA that presents breakthroughs in cosmetics and biotech.
Ingesting AFA means you’re also ingesting MAA’s, giving you sun protection on a cellular level! From cellular regeneration to UV-A and UV-B protection, AFA offers nature’s sunscreen from the inside and out!
Eat Your Greens, Blue & Oranges!
"Pigments in AFA are colored molecules vital to AFA's photosynthetic powers. Each of its 4 colored compounds is responsible for transforming a different wavelength of the suns light, and each color has its own unique effect on human cells. The Orange carotenes - the beta type being the most famous- biochemically inspire intestinal and lung cells to regenerate themselves. Green chlorophyll- as well as the red and blue - phycocyanin protects our cells from the fiery dangers of free radicals".
Karl Abrams
Professor of Chemistry
"Algae the Rescue"

The Green:
Photosynthesis produces regular chlorophyll and divinyl chlorophyll that give AFA its green pigment. Chlorophyll is the blood of the plant world–energy from the sun, paired with water, and turned into a fountain of life for plants. The molecular structure of chlorophyll and human blood is strikingly similar except chlorophyll has a Magnesium-ion and human blood has an Iron-ion. We can drink plants blood filled with magnesium crucial to so many enzymatic c processes!
Chlorophyll is known to oxygenate the blood, assist in detox, be used as potential-cancer therapy, ease menstrual pain, aid digestion, improve skin health, and boost energy, while Magnesium aids in the bio-activation of hundreds of enzymes.
The Blue:

Phycocyanin is the blue pigment and full of nutritional magic! As an isolate, Phycocyanin has recently been approved by the FDA and is a new hot spot in the field of anti tumor drug research. There are more and more studies that have shown that phycocyanin has an anti-cancer effect, which can kill cancer cells and block their proliferation.
Phycocyanin shows a wide range of other pharmacological effects under investigation including but not limited to anti-oxidation, anti-inflammatory activity, neuroprotective agents and stimulating the immune system.
The Orange
If you look closely at AFA diluted in water a slight orange reddish pigment is revealed. This is betacarotene and AFA is the world’s most potent source of this immune boosting antioxidant. Betacarotene works directly with the thymus gland in the production of crucial lymphocytes cells that increase the production of interferon, a crucial link in a healthy immune system. Betacarotene also is known to protect the lining of the gut and lungs enabling antibacterial forces to do their job. Betacarotene is one key element that still requires minerals and enzymes in keeping us healthy and reducing the negative impact of oxidative damage
It’s no surprise that even the components which give AFA its color have immense health benefits. With each passing day we are coming to know more and more about the power of AFA and it’s comprehensive nutritional compound. Even its greens and blues will shower you with wellness!
AFA Contains 4% RNA
Today, Ribonucleic acid (RNA) RNA is found in all living things, as an active agent in kick starting and maintaining the chemical processes needed for life. In some ways, it’s the biological manual.
This important biological macromolecule is present in all biological cells. It is principally involved in the synthesis of proteins, carrying the messenger instructions from DNA, which itself contains the genetic instructions required for the development and maintenance of life.
RNA nucleoside literally ads energy molecules to your body and also adenosine tri-phosphate [ATP], the major energy currency in your body.
People take RNA/DNA combinations to improve memory and mental sharpness, treat or prevent Alzheimer's disease, treat depression, increase energy, tighten skin, increase sex drive, and counteract the effects of aging. In the hospital, RNA is used in nutrition formulas that include omega-3 fatty acids and arginine.

As earth's original food source and oldest living organism on the planet, AFA is a foundation for life and a harmonizer for our bodies and minds. Efficiently and effective, it gives everyone an equal opportunity at cultivating their journey to health. With a complex, comprehensive suite of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants, Omega 3’s, phycocyanin, chlorophyll, enzymes and numerous phytochemicals that are essential to optimal health, there is no other superfood that rivals it.
Choosing AFA means choosing an ancient source of nourishment that has been perfected over billions of years, providing full body support from brain to skin health from embryo to our last days. We hope that you now understand, and least in part, the vast potential that AFA holds as a key to fueling your healthiest and happiest self.
Over 25 years of experience has gone into refining the process of harvesting and distribution, so that AFA from Saluz can be delivered to you in the most complete and potent form. Welcoming it into your life is a huge step towards fortifying your body’s ability to defend, maintain, and heal itself.