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AFA supports treatment of joint inflammation with its abundance of Beta Carotenes, Omega-3’s, live enzymes, amino acids, and minerals that increase the absorption of its nutrients. AFA contains approximately 14 mg of absorbable Calcium per gram–the highest amount of any green foods.
This bountiful combination of nutrients activates the master antioxidant, coenzyme Glutathione, preventing the formation of free radicals that would otherwise oxidate bloodstreams and release calcium, forming plaque arteries.
Beta Carotene and other amino acids provide strong protection against free radical damage, along with cellular regeneration, helping the body quickly repair damaged cells. The synergy between the minerals Selenium, Methionine, combined with Vitamin E, activates the super enzyme Glutathione, a dynamic antioxidant which protects from free radicals, acting as an anti-inflammatory. AFA’s high levels of Omega-3’s help with joint inflammation in conjunction with Boron, an important macro mineral, as they decrease inflammation and plaque buildup in the arteries, maintaining adequate blood flow to the cells.
Copper and Zinc are part of the antioxidant enzyme Superoxide dismutases (SOD) which keeps synovial joints lubricated. Macro mineral Manganese assists in the production of Mucopolysaccharides that hydrate surrounding tissues, positively impacting bone joints.
AFA encompasses all of these indispensable micronutrients and macro minerals–reinvigorating and reinforcing bone and joint health.